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The Magic of Change

View from my terrace in Delray Beach, Florida

Am sitting on my terace looking across the small pond at all the new apartment buildings that were recently built. We are in Florida, where the temperature is 95. For me, it’s fabulous. I’m not cold anymore!!!

Looking at the visual changes when we left last year, there was nothing there, but now this area has apartment buildings on it. When completed they will be yearly rentals At the moment, we only receive the dust of construction from the winds that coat all the exterior furniture and floors.

Sunny day in Bellingham

We have spent time in many cities, Ganges, White Rock, Bellingham, Marysville, Woodinville and Seattle eating in restaurants and catching up with family and friends. Its been a wonderful time. The selection of restaurants  from a classic 70s dinner in Marysville to an elegant dinning room in Woodinville. Thai food, Vietnamese,  Italian and American and of course we ordered take out too. Am glad we will have the chance to cook a little while we live in Florida.

A throw back to the 70s in Marysville

Looking back, we danced tango quite a bit in Seattle. We kept seeing faces that looked familiar, but there was no sign of recognition on their faces, only the perpetual look of a dancer wanting a cabeceo. Of course, there were a few notable exceptions where we were welcomed back with a warm abrazo and many questions. How is Argentina? How long are you staying? And where are you going next?

Dancing at Milonga Madera Verde in Seattle.

Dancing was wonderful in Seattle in the Seattle manner, aloofness sprinkled with a bit of interest, maybe a little kindness too.

Embraces ran the gambit from warm to cold. There is in Seattle the consistency of coldness and a lack of curiosity. Maybe that day everyone needed another cup of coffee as it was cold. 44 degrees and cloudy. It’s almost rainy but sometimes rather misty.

With family in Bellingham

Now, after spending about 4 weeks in the Pacific Northwest, being very cold, I am enjoying the Florida heat. [Yes I am officially a weather wimp!] Currently, its 91 which also means the humidity is high. So forget about styling your hair. It will always stay frizzy and curly here. It’s the humidity.

This weekend was Memorial Day weekend, so lots of festivals going on, and the opportunity for dancing is incredible from Seattle to Delray Beach. 

After a few days of resting up, catching up on the dirty laundry, and grocery shopping, it will be time to dance tango once again.

Friends at China Harbor Milonga, Seattle

Our plans for later this week include going to a few milingas including  Fabi and Manny at Milonga La Pituca in Pompano Beach on Friday night. Saturday is Tanda in North Miami and Sunday is Tres Esquinas Milonga in Hollywood or Milonga L’Ideal in Hallendale. All are inviting and friendly milongas.

Lots of Tango in Southern Florida. Check out for all the newest information.

In a couple of weeks we are off to Barcelona.

Till them, abrazo y Besos

Cold in Seattle with my sweetie, but staying warm!

Published by ruthoffen

As to bio, I was born in New Jersey, and eventually after living in New York, Boston, San Francisco, most recently on San Juan Island, in Washington state and now am living in Buenos Aires since January 2020... For 38 years, years I have curated a contemporary art gallery, where I refined my skills and became the visual editor that I am now. Always with a camera or some picture capturing device in tow [including much heavy equipment] I began to travel and at the same time was introduced to dancing about 12 years ago. As the phones have improved, I have given up all my gear, including my beloved Fuji, Xt1 Pro for a good phone. Yes some shots are not as good on the phone, but for my love of detail and dancing, it suits me well. For me the story telling begins with a visual moment, some internal mechanism is triggered and ...there's your photo. Other times it’s about a sliver of color or detritus that captures the eye. My subject matter ranges from the small moment of beauty found on the street or in a window display to social Tango. I chose Tango as my dance of choice as I love the lifestyle, the music, the embrace and yes dressing up. What I choose to share in my Tango series includes images shot around the world, in the places have danced, Spain, France, Turkey, Greece and USA but most recently in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My photos represent the connection that tango dancers of all ages share.

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