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Tango in Petra, Jordan

What an amazing place that is Petra.

The walk at Petra

The landscape strerches for miles filled with red rock formations. Some are very rounded forms that were pounded into softer shapes by the mileninial forces of geology and the wind. There are very few places with sharp peaks, but occasionally a few pyramid shaped rock mountains.

The hill of tombs

The elevation is 850 meter [2700 ft], the air is very dry with very fine particales of dust. The heat of the day sun can be intense, its important to stay in the shadows.
There are days when the wind blows then the air is cooler but dirtier.

And the tango was amazing.

Tangeros from many places in the world gathered at this beautiful location.

Walking thru Petra canyon

The organizers, Fantasia Arts with Waheed and his partner, Marina are based in Dubai. This was their first tango marathon event they produced.

They were meticulous in their planning the event, all the staff members were highly effective in problem solving and masters of logistics. [A big shout out to Waheed & Marina and all helpers]

The night milonga

For me, visiting historical places and dancing tango are a great combination.

[There are quite a few marathons at amazing places, Ephesus and Pamakkale, both in Türkiye and Lesbos and Somos, Greece to list a few events.

The pavilion

The accommodations ranged from outdoor tenting shared public bathroom to deluxe modules that contained a bed and a bathroom. After all that’s all we really need.

The camp location of Little Petra Beduin Camp was close to the main area of big Petra, about 15 minute ride away.

Nights at the fire ring with tea

The milongas were held in a pavilion close to the open fire pit area. At the pit area, tea was served nightly by the camp staff wearing beduin or desert costume clothes. This tea area was great for nightly socialing before the milongas. The tea was delicious.

In the evenings,when the weather cooled down substantially, the warmth of the tea was   wonderful. The only thing missing was a bit of live music.


The pavilion for the milongas was an oval shaped glass enclosed building with touches of the beduin life, ie carpeted walls and floor pillow seating areas, and then tables and chairs for the milongas.

The tango djs were marvelous in their music selections especially DJ George from Cypress and Eray from Ankara. Fantastic music to dance to.

TDJ George from Cyprus

With 2 Milongas a day there was dancing from 3 to 7 and then a dinner break from 7 to 9 and then the milonga from 10 to 4 am. Breakfast was served daily from 8 to 11.

The food was delicious, lots of salads and meats.

Pretty varied assortment of food for being in the middle of the dessert!

What a joy to have so many talented and delicious tangeros gathered together for 3 days in the dessert.

Can’t wait to do it again.

Tango at the Treasury, Petra

Published by ruthoffen

As to bio, I was born in New Jersey, and eventually after living in New York, Boston, San Francisco, most recently on San Juan Island, in Washington state and now am living in Buenos Aires since January 2020... For 38 years, years I have curated a contemporary art gallery, where I refined my skills and became the visual editor that I am now. Always with a camera or some picture capturing device in tow [including much heavy equipment] I began to travel and at the same time was introduced to dancing about 12 years ago. As the phones have improved, I have given up all my gear, including my beloved Fuji, Xt1 Pro for a good phone. Yes some shots are not as good on the phone, but for my love of detail and dancing, it suits me well. For me the story telling begins with a visual moment, some internal mechanism is triggered and ...there's your photo. Other times it’s about a sliver of color or detritus that captures the eye. My subject matter ranges from the small moment of beauty found on the street or in a window display to social Tango. I chose Tango as my dance of choice as I love the lifestyle, the music, the embrace and yes dressing up. What I choose to share in my Tango series includes images shot around the world, in the places have danced, Spain, France, Turkey, Greece and USA but most recently in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My photos represent the connection that tango dancers of all ages share.

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