Check out New Tango Totes!

And now Happy Holidays


And the dancing is

Argentina opened to the world on November 1, and the trickle of foreigners into the country increases daily. Recently, walking in the streets I heard French and Russian spoken. Slowly the city returns. Have danced in many places, having fun as the people and the dancing evolves. Am posting fotos from El Beso, Sueno Portenyo,Continue reading “And the dancing is”

Current Milongas: Deliciosas

I Love living in Buenos Aires especially now. Tango has returned to the city. When you look at Hoy Milonga there are 15 or so Milongas and practicas a day during the week and as many as 20 per day on the weekend. Last week, I went dancing Sunday night at lo de Cillia (BarajandoContinue reading “Current Milongas: Deliciosas”

Return to the milonga

Wow. We are back. MILONGAS have opened up in all parts of the city. As for me, its almost 2 in the morning. I have spent my evening dancing tango. My feet are hurting, but my soul is so happy. Having asked a good friend to join me at my first Milonga, I was aContinue reading “Return to the milonga”

Well, Yes, Maybe

Recently, the government of Argentina has officially said it will allow more people into the country as of October. There stillis a large back up of Portenyos waitingto return home from what was supposed to be vacation. The backlog will probably take till the end of October. Am sure you have read or seen articlesContinue reading “Well, Yes, Maybe”

Yes, Finally, We Can…

So fabulous. Marvelosa. The Milongas begin again. Yes with masks. Yes Proof of two vaccines Yes with alcohol And depending on the Milonga location, some rotation of partners and others not. Many changes have occurred. Some spaces are gone for good, but others will crop back time. Just a few images of what isContinue reading “Yes, Finally, We Can…”

July 7th, 2021 en Buenos Aires.

If you follow the news about Argentina there are a couple of positive changes going on as the supply of vaccines has increased greatly as the Argentinean Laboratory Richmond has produced almost half million doses of the Russian Sputnik vaccine.  Argentina has had a slow roll out of the vaccine due to lack of supply,Continue reading “July 7th, 2021 en Buenos Aires.”

And the new restricciones

Wahoo. On Saturday, June 12th we learned what the new restricciones are. We are back to the future. The number of cases has come down and more vaccines have arrived. People still wear masks on the street, socially distanced from one another and the use of alchohol is obligatory. And the new restrictions are: WeContinue reading “And the new restricciones”

In case you have not heard…

As of today, Friday April 16th, 2021 day 393 of Quarantine, the president of Argentina Alberto Fernandez had added extra protocols to the current restrictions, as Argentina is experiencing it’s second wave of coronavirus. Yesterday’s numbers were very high for the 3rd day in a row, approximately 29,000 new cases…the hospitals are experiencing a largeContinue reading “In case you have not heard…”